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  • In-the-trenches knowledge on what's working in financial publishing now... and where the industry is heading in 2023 and beyond...

  • Unique tips on improving your copywriting skills... 

  • And battle-tested secrets on negotiating high-paying retainer and royalty deals...


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Pete OC

- Senior Copywriter at NASDAQ Listed Financial Publisher, Legacy Research

- Former Copy Chief at Money & Markets / Agora

Here are the billion-dollar businesses, billion-dollar marketers and experts who say Pete OC is prittaayy... prittaayy... prittaayyyy good at writin' copy...


"Thanks to the web, the world of copywriting has changed dramatically over the past 20 years. The fundamental laws of human psychology still remain. But there are big, new challenges today. The copywriters that are succeeding are those that can apply the old rules in new, transparent and authentic ways. Not everyone can do that. But Pete OC is one that can."

- Mark Ford (Michael Masterson)
One of the head honchos at the billion-dollar-a-year direct marketing giant Agora
Author of the copywriting classic 'Great Leads'
Author of the business classic 'Ready, Fire, Aim'


"In a world full of internet marketing hype and gurus, it's incredibly rare to find a craftsman of copy and email marketing like Pete OC. His copy on many occasions has outsold the control by 400% or more."

- Sabri Suby
CEO of King Kong
Direct marketing company with $1.33 billion in sales

"Incredibly passionate and talented..."

- Adam O'Dell
Former Hedge Fund Manager
Chief Investment Strategist at Money & Markets
Achieved 5X better investment returns than Warren Buffett since 2012

“Pete is part of the elite. Very few copywriters have the credentials he has. And best of all, he’s a real dude.”

- Danavir Sarria
Expert copywriter featured on Entrepreneur, Forbes, Sumo, Problogger, Neil Patel and more

"I wish he would cut that mullet, he looks like a bogan..."


- Pete's Mum
Has put up with him for 33 years

“I've subscribed to your list because I find connection with your writing style. You and Ben Settle have the closest style that I want to pursue moving forward.”

- Carl Dexter
An up-and-coming copywriter who says Pete OC writes emails as entertaining as those of the great Ben Settle

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